USA - MTA New York Transit

Open data section of the public transport agency MTA in New York, providing different public transport data and an app center with developed applications.

USA - Chicago Transit Authority

Open data section of the Chicago Transit Authority (cta) with programming interfaces (APIs) for developers and an app center.

USA - SFpark (San Francisco)

Map application showing free parking space in San Francisco based on real-time data.

USA - Catch The Bus App (Boston)

iPhone app for showing one's current position and the arrival time of the next busses based on GPS signals.

USA - CrashStat 2.0 (New York City)

Map application showing the frequency of accidents on streets and crossroads in New York.

Great Britain - Where-Can-I-Live

Map application combining traffic and real estate data for showing ease the decision of where to live in London.

GB - Malcolm Barclay, London Tub...

iPhone app created by independent developer for the London Tube based on open traffic data.

Switzerland - Swisstrains.ch

Web application showing the position and movements of suisse trains and subways in real-time.

Austria - ubahnaufzug.at

Community platform showing malfunctions of elevators and moving staircases in Vienna.

Germany - Öffi Android App

App for Android with public transport information like arrival times and connections for different German cities.