USA - OpenCongress

Informational website by the Sunlight Foundation aiming to make goals, processes, decisions in the U.S. congress more transparent.

USA - Sunlight Projects

Many open government and open data projects by the U.S. american Sunlight Foundation.

Great Britain - They Work For You

Informations about debates and representatives in the British parliament.

Great Britain - Openly Local

Informations about institutions, actors and processes in British local politics.

Germany - Frag den Staat

Website helping German citizens to make freedom of information requests to get information from governmental institutions.

Germany - Frankfurt gestalten

Information and communication platform for the citizens of the German city of Frankfurt to deal with communal problems and questions developed by OKF Germany.

Germany - Offenes Köln

Geo application for the German city of Cologne informing about local politics.

Germany - meinedemokratie.de

Information website about democratic participation possibilities and initiatives in Germany.

Germany - abgeordnetenwatch.de

Website allowing questioning of German representatives of the Bundestag, different state level parliaments and the EU parliament.